Title: When Autumn Ends
Author: Beth Rinyu
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Release Date: February 19, 2018

I was at the top of my game until reality hit in a way I had never imagined, forcing me to face the living hell that had become my life. The ghosts and demons that once filled the pages of my bestselling novels now flooded my mind, consuming my thoughts both day and night.
She was hauntingly beautiful, and I was drawn to her in the most unimaginable way.
She was my breath when I had stopped breathing.
She was my hope when I was drowning in despair.
She was my muse when I had lost all motivation.
But nothing good lasted—not in my world anyway.
Like the last days of autumn when the beautiful leaves are stripped away by the long winter days, lurking in the distance; her caring ways and gentle soul were only temporary. Soon it would be taken from me, leaving my heart as barren as those once majestic trees. But unlike those autumn days, she remained, giving me the courage to face the cold, dark winter of my past while uncovering secrets and lies that could be the premise of a bestseller. Only, this wasn’t fiction, this was my reality—a reality I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

Jeri’s Book Attic - “Hauntingly Beautiful”
Kitty Kats Crazy About Books - “A Heart grabbing, emotionally, charged story about the all consuming power of love and healing.”
Joy Novel Thoughts - “When Autumn Ends is the best work by Beth Rinyu to date!”

“Ethan, I don’t know what happened to cause you this pain you’re in, and like I told you before, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. But maybe you should talk to someone who could help you deal with it a little better and help make the nightmares go away.”
I shook my head and let out a let out a sarcastic chuckle. “You mean a shrink?” I didn’t wait for her to reply. “Been there, done that, and all they do is give me drugs to stop those nightmares from happening twenty-four hours a day.”
Her warm soft hand caressed the side of my cheek. “Maybe that just wasn’t the right one for you. There are hundreds of qualified—”
“Stop! Just stop! No one is going to be able to fix my problems. Okay? Not you, not some person who thinks they have all the answers just because they can put PhD after their name, not anyone! I’m fucked up forever, Jenna. Don’t you get that, especially after last night? Nothing or no one is going to make me feel better, and you’re better off forgetting you ever knew me.”

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